Thursday, 6 August 2009

im tired by school stuff

you know im sooooo busy!!! today just finished history and economics tests, super tired. i just receiced message from lolipop telling me that tomorrow will have accounting test. and im havin 2nd term mis term exam on next week. you seeeeee, i dont even have any time for sleeping. im tired. almost wanna give up, however, i WONT!!! if something hits me 1 time, i tell you im gonna hit back it 100 times!! yeahh, this is who i am.


  1. omg.. i wont kiss you anymore...

    coz u say u will hit back 100times..

    if i kiss u once, then u...OMG I DON WAN!


  2. lol. u wanna try?? im always there for you XP
