Monday, 9 May 2011


happy mothers day to my dearest beloved gorgeous mom!

so sorry that i was supposed to post this yesterday but when i finished typing was about to upload

NO LINE!!!!!!!!

so then right now,

before i go to sleep

actually i have many other things to do this and that

when i do my BIS worksheet, i do ir for whole day

i dont know why i just cant finish it about 4 or 5 hours

oh wait! not me but everyone cant be able to finish it around these hours !!! haha

so thennnnn

gtg now

thursday got a presentation

friday got BIS mid semester test

my nightmare

im serious cos i totally have no idea for this unit

im so worried that i would fail this unit

if i fail then i need to retake this unit and do the worksheet every week


so better be praying for myself hoping that miracles would come into my life


alright then im damn sleepy

tml wake up early for the lecture which i can ensure you its boring :)

sleep tight.