Friday, 1 January 2010

still NEW YEAR!!

hey hey!
its the 2nd post of 1/1/10! XD

well, went to city mall just now
i was going to buy some stationary at popular
but it off today

so, we just went here went there
actually my school bag a bit rosak sudah
then my mom saw some bag at bingo
and so she bought for me
thank you mom!! :D

actually, it doesnt look like a school bag
looks like more like shopping bag
anyway you'll see it this coming monday
school reopen!! ><

and i bought jelly belly
so the whole day just eating this
also for tomorrow bengkel lesson

its late here
actually im not going to online tonight
but i want to update blog

so thats all for today.
night :)

Happy New Year! - New Year, New Start, New Life

Happy New Year to each of you!!
i guess im the first one to update blog in year 2010 among all of us yeah? XD

something wierd today
cuz i signed in facebook
oh my! i got 23 friends requests
and then got lot of peoples chatted with me on the fb chat
why not yesterday, but today lerr? wierd

well, the last post of year 2009
just posted exam exam exam
so im gonna post something that is positive things!! ;)
well, you know who is this?

Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria Osteen.

i just saw their video they have posted. i like their video! awesome!!

i just love what they say and always think of. yup they're right. ---

2010 is going to be an amazing year.

You've seen your best days yet.

You got a lot of great things to look for.

yeah something like that.

see, the way they think seem like LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!

i love their mindsets --POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!

This book was written by him.
extremly nice. :D
i've finished reading this book on the last day of last year XD
so yeah, old things must be finished before the new year comes
but now, its yr 2010!!
yay, we're senior 3!!
and also we're going to graduate.
so, we should be cherrish to everyone around us
so that we wont have any regrets after this year :)
should get going now
one thing, remember : never magnify your problems, but magnify your God ;)
ZzZz... night! :)