Tuesday, 16 March 2010

silly me

nothing to say really. just bored and been playing the piano
almost whole day
hands are painful and tired
haiz no choices bored at home always

tomorrow again.
3rd driving lesson
last time was really high
i was learning at likas complex there
just few cars and when i steped the 'oil door'
wow terus terbang XD

so thats all for today
i always tell myself, i want to get P license within this year!!!
umm actually at least before christmas :)

i ran out of things to do on facebook
but still on it
because im a loyal facebookers!! :D

oops gtg now before i continue being silly

second day of holidays

mommy!! im damn hungry. damn it!
i been playing piano recently
and im learning canon in d
and also 'when you're gone'
this 2 songs
man hard really hard especially 'when you're gone'
why all double notes [if u know what i mean]

i downloaded 2 songs of canon.
one is 9 mins and another is 3mins
the beginning of this 2 songs are absolutely different
the 9 mins is too classic so i love the 3 mins one :p
the only same thing is the chorus there haha.
if not same then not call canon already la ==

and im finding the piano sheet of 'right here waiting'
this also amazing song
but, my printer is not working
even i have found it cant print them out so :(

i had my second driving lesson
haha was really funny
especially the conductor asked me to go out the road there
bit nervous haha

yeah 3am now oh my!
got to get up 8am later bye :)