last time i asked him, what you want to be your b'day gift, he said he wanted a MIC, so we can talk on the mic, feel like we are really together... i am happy for that :D but i didnt get my mic yet. ouwwwwww.....
i want to get a MIC as soon as possible man. i dont want let him disappointed on me. if i get a MIC, what will i talk to him ler? i know i will LAG cuz quite long time didnt talk to him. agh, dont even know what to say lerr....
you know, we should always be thankful to those peoples who love us like your bf/gf. seriously. because:-
...he gives you the feeling of being loved :)...
...he lets you understand what is LOVE :) amazing stuff....
...he loves you for no reason at all...
...he wants to spend his life with you, you should pround of it...
so, if someone you really in love with, pls dont give up on him.
also, if someone chasing you who you know he is real serious abt you, pls dont give up.