Friday, 24 July 2009

take it seriously.

this is what i want to update now, i promise you this is the last post for today, after this, i'll go to sleep....

This is what God wants you to know, take it seriously...

Did you know, my child, that all this time you've been struggling, you've actually been growing roots.
...i just found this and thought it was meaningful, wasn't?...

happy + tired

another busy and really tired FRIDAY! but you know, something happened today.
well, while i was waiting the teacher at the corner there, the boy just passed through me and he smiled at me :DD he smiled at me made me put down my anxious. i felt so sorry to him cuz i think it's getting better :)

andthen, after the chinese lesson, i was standing at the door (just needed to go inside the classroom), i never thought that it would happen :DD i'm not gonna say about this one, cuz i think you dont have to know. :p

i'm just too happy cuz the two guys are ok. cuz of this, i feel better :)